Ulver Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler 2024

Release date:
January 19, 2024
Buy vinyl:
  • 1. Capitel I: I Troldskog faren vild [Led astray in the Forest darke]
  • 2. Capitel II: Soelen gaaer bag Aase need [Betwixt cragges a descending Sunne]
  • 3. Capitel III: Graablick blev hun vaer [She senses Eyne of Grey]
  • 4. Capitel IV: Een Stemme locker [A Voice Beckons Her]
  • 5. Capitel V: Bergtatt - ind i Fjeldkamrene [Spellbound - Into the Mountaine]

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