Tough Shits Burning In Paradise
Retro-fitted for that classic, catchy, brimming-with-energy vibe that spills over into the audience, The Tough Shits capture a chilled-out yet constantly-on-the-go garage sound. Their playful partying injects enough unfiltered attitude to create a raw edge, balancing things out with that bubbly surfing backdrop - crisp and yet still loose in a way that fits ones weekend needs.
- 1. Action Breeze
- 2. Late Bloomer
- 3. Burning In Paradise
- 4. Last Light
- 5. Babes of the Abyss
- 6. Here Comes the Moon
- 7. Adult Fantasy
- 8. Burnout Alley
- 9. Cry For You
- 10. No Freedom