The Mars Volta Lucro sucio; Los ojos del vacio

Release date:
April 11, 2025
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The Mars Volta's ninth studio album represents a significant milestone for the band, which has been continually reinventing itself for more than 20 years. With “Lucro sucio; Los ojos del vacio," they deliver an album that celebrates their roots, allowing them to reconnect with their origins. Fans are invited to embark on a musical journey.

  • 1. Fin
  • 2. Reina tormenta
  • 3. Enlazan las tinieblas
  • 4. Mictlán
  • 5. Nefilbata
  • 6. Cue the sun
  • 7. Alba del orate
  • 8. Voice in my knives
  • 9. Poseedora de mi sombra
  • 10. Celaje
  • 11. Vociferó
  • 12. Mito de los trece cielos
  • 13. Un disparo al vacío
  • 14. Detrás de la puerta dorada
  • 15. Maullidos
  • 16. Morgana
  • 17. Cue the sun (reprise)
  • 18. Lucro sucio

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