Slaughterhouse Slaughterhouse

Release date:
September 27, 2024
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Slaughter House remained one of Metal Blade's lesser known thrash bands, despite their massive success in their home state and around the East Coast tri-state area. The band's two albums have been out-of-print and hard-to-find for decades. Now in 2024 NoLifeTilMetal Records and Metal Blade Records are re-releasing both albums, completely remastered. This exceptional new reissue was remastered for this release by Rob Colwell @ Bombworks Sound (Flotsam & Jetsam, Nevermore, Accuser, Sacred Reich) and also features new layouts and designs, with expanded booklets that were done by Scott Waters of NLTM Graphics and Design.

  • 1. F.T.W
  • 2. Let the Neighbors Hear
  • 3. U.S.A
  • 4. It Ain't Easy
  • 5. Kick 'Em When They're Down
  • 6. Incomplete Insanity
  • 7. Demon's Flight
  • 8. Wasting Away
  • 9. Black Sheep
  • 10. Electric Rasp

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