Release date:
March 7, 2025
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Petros Klampanis has found like-minded and like-tuned colleagues. It is no coincidence that for Latent Info he turns to musicians who already implemented on the previous album, Tora Collective, what he is all about: creating music that appeals to the senses and counteracts general dulling, breaking open the inner shell. Music that stimulates one's imagination and creates films before the inner eye. That lets us feel the great effect of the smallest means of expression with all its nuances (such as the barely perceptible, yet so effective use of electronics). Music that allows us to experience the richness of a subtle, differentiated sensorium with ambivalent moods in which multiple emotional states overlap and merge. And in "When I Know the Answer," it conveys what is more necessary than ever in these times--a piece of hope. But above all, music that celebrates beauty. In the large and the small.
Also, the beauty of the moment, which can feel like a small eternity, the magic of a small time window, the transition from night to day. "Day Breaks," with trumpeter Andreas Polyzogopoulos, celebrates a moment of pause and humility. About the title of his ballad "Halfway to Dawn" Billy Strayhorn once wrote: "I think everything should happen just before dawn. That's when rulers should also meet. Everyone would fall in love."

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