Album number 2 from Paranoid London.Collaborators include Mutado Pintado (Warmduscher), Alan Vega & Arthur Baker, Simon Topping (A Certain Ratio), Josh Caffe & Bubbles Bubblesynski. A mix of freaky vocal tracks & hard as nails instrumentals we carry on where the first album left off.Josh Caffe provides sweat soaked emotion like a true House original. Mutado Pintado & Alan Vega bring the weirdness. Simon Topping & Bubbles Bubblesynski dead pan their way through strobe lit acid tracks.The rest of the album is made up of the kind instrumentals that only Paranoid London would have the balls to put out. Stripped back to the bare essentials for dancefloors, every element performing a vital role there is even one track that is so brutal & parred down that it's made using only the 808 drum machine.
Release date:
September 13, 2019
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