Nze Nze Adzi Akal

Release date:
January 20, 2023
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At the crossroads of ritual, industrial, and electronic music, there exists a niche where many experimenters are blurring the lines between genres. Among them are the three members of Nze Nze (UVB76 and Sacred Lodge). Summoning sequenced machines, digital samplers, and multi-effects, they make instrumentals collide with guttural vocals and warrior tales from Fangs mythologies (the vernacular language of Central Africa), arranging it all to create hybrid, unclassifiable, and disorienting pieces.The fundamentals of radical electronic music are there, but the production is on the level of the great free-jazz records, allowing it to claim a heritage far beyond modern-day offerings.

  • 1. Odzamboga
  • 2. Zis Da Tang Zis
  • 3. A Kele Nkoo Oking
  • 4. Oku
  • 5. Moadzang
  • 6. Yemendzime
  • 7. Nkoudang Medza
  • 8. M'otoughe
  • 9. Alu Da Ke Yang

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