Mike Donovan Exurbian Quonset
From sunshiney, smog-filled streets to an avian-strewn state of ur-nature, MIKE DONOVAN's seen his share of the world, making records and playing shows all over the past 20 years with, chronologically, THE ROPERS, YIKES, THE HOSPITALS, SIC ALPS, TY SEGALL, THE PEACERS and most recently, himself. Time goes by and just seems to get faster as it goes. MIKE s ouvre all the way down the line has been wedding silvery falsetto shiver-rock with sirens of noise, stand-up tin-pan pop singer performance peered at through a defocused lens. This is a genre, a thought process, a way of life and a full-grown branch of the rock and roll family tree. As many steps as it takes to get to perfect, it takes also to get to what you might call its opposite a place comprised of equal degrees embodiment and expression.
- 1. Digital Dan
- 2. Iwata-Wise
- 3. Wadsworth March
- 4. Hate Mail Writer
- 5. Stone
- 6. Wot Do Rich People Do All Day?
- 7. B.O.C. Rate Applied
- 8. Nowhere Descender
- 9. Zone Dome
- 10. My System