Las Nubes Tormentas Malsanas

Release date:
August 23, 2024
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'Tormentas Malsanas,' or "unhealthy storms," is a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the reality of living through Miami summers. Similar tothe way a clear day turns gray with the threat of inclement weather,Tormentas Malsanas addresses common and uncommon struggles -from the difficulties of starting a family as a female musician and thepains of getting older without a lucid understanding of where you'regoing, to Covid depression, and the desire to stand up against injustice ina productive way - through the energetic buoyancy of Las Nubes'strademark loud as hell, garage pop sound. The heavy emotions addressedthrough the lyrics crossed with their vibrant and dynamic instrumentalarrangements give the album a sense of hopefulness that remindslisteners: even the most turbulent moments don't last forever.

  • 1. Would Be
  • 2. Pesada
  • 3. Silhouetted Man
  • 4. Caricia
  • 5. Enredaddos (Misty's Mix)
  • 6. Agua Plastica
  • 7. Caminar Sola
  • 8. The Weeks That Followed
  • 9. Canse
  • 10. Drop in, Ya Freaks

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