Hoen Human Nature Latin Mix You Are The Universe Latin Mix

Release date:
May 30, 2025
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The finest Latin cover of the popular song by Michael Jackson and the Brand New Heavies is now available on 7'!A Latin cover of a classic song from the past by Hoen, a Japanese singer acclaimed for her powerful yet clear voice. On side A, Hoen sings 'Human Nature,' a light, up-tempo Latin mix that differs greatly from the original by Michael Jackson. The B-side is a cover of the Brand New Heavies' classic 'You Are The Universe,' featuring Hoen's beautiful, elongated voice. A must-have for music fans who will discover new charms of this classic song. LISTEN: https://open. Spotify. com/track/5twlZSBkjQ9Nl3Hs35gjBwSIDE

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