Godflesh A World Lit Only by Dub

Release date:
April 4, 2025
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GODFLESH - A WORLD LIT ONLY BY FIRE 10 year Anniversary. Unbelievably, in 2024, this album is now 10 yrs old, and to celebrate, here is A WORLD LIT ONLY BY DUB ; 5 extended dubs /alternate versions of songs taken from A WORLD LIT ONLY BY FIRE. These versions were completed by JKB only recently, after some of these dubs had sat unfinished in a skeletal form for a number of years. These are extended mutated versions; exploring and pushing the inherently experimental nature of Godflesh, now finalised and somewhat re-contextualised 10 years later. Dub as transformation

  • 1. Cursed By You All
  • 2. Dead Ending
  • 3. Life Given Life Taken
  • 4. Our Fathers in Heaven
  • 5. Towers

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