Ghost Bath Rose Thorn Necklace (Red Swirl)

Release date:
May 9, 2025
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Depressive black metallers GHOST BATH have emerged from beyond the veil with their new album, Rose Thorn Necklace, through long-time partner Nuclear Blast. Free from the Moonlover-Starmourner-Self Loather conceptual trilogy, sole proprietor Nameless (aka Dennis Mikula) explores the most intense and introspective GHOST BATH's oeuvre, advancing with blackened blasts and melancholic movements while moving his only child forward into the unknown. Hoisted into the firmament by the shimmering 'Vodka Butterfly' and the dissonant bliss of 'Well, I Tried Drowning' on one end and lowered into Mikula's personal abyss with 'Dandelion Tea' and the riveting title track on the other, Rose Thorn Necklace is absolute danger and haunting beauty. Red Swirl LP

  • 1. Grotesque Display
  • 2. Rose Thorn Necklace
  • 3. Well, I Tried Drowning
  • 4. Thinly Sliced Heart Muscle
  • 5. Dandelion Tea
  • 6. Vodka Butterfly
  • 7. Stamen and Pistil
  • 8. Needles
  • 9. Throat Cancer

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