Gaytheist The Mustache Stays

Release date:
February 21, 2025
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The Mustache Stays is the newest entry from long-running Portland institution GAYTHEIST. On their first new material since 2020's How Long Have I Been On Fire? the trio once again bring their joyous fun, clever wit, and utterly shredding musicianship to otherwise serious and morose subject matter. The band lies somewhere between the heavily distorted grime of noise rock, the whiplash speed of punk and thrash, and ripping technicality of metal, and they always do it all with an undeniable sense of fun that you can hear pouring through the speakers. This new album includes 10 new tracks, as well as one very special cover that was recorded mixed once again by long time collaborator Stephen Hawkes. Available for mailorder on magenta or sea glass colored vinyl.

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