Fionn Everyone's A Critic

Release date:
September 18, 2020
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Fionn are young women with old souls. They re feminine and fashionable but prefer to hang with the boys. Their sound is rooted in classic folk, but on Everyone s a Critic, their latest EP via 604 Records, it boasts a modern alt-pop sheen thats uniquely theirs. Born into a very musical family, the B.C. based pair has been performing together since the age of 12, when they would busk on Vancouver s Granville Island. By 14, they were playing nearly 100 shows per year, and theyve been soaring on a steep upward tangent ever since. With Everyone s a Critic, they ve evolved from their stripped-down acoustic stylings to their newfound hybridity. Simply put, the results speak for themselves, combining folk roots and a 70s swagger with a boisterous and jubilant indie-pop aesthetic. In an era of instant gratification, of one-dimensional singles and disposable artists, Fionn have put in substantial work and are turning heads the world over.

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