Erika De Casier Sensational

Release date:
July 23, 2021
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Sensational expands the universe of de Casier's 2019 self-released debut album Essentials. Where Essentials dealt more with the infatuation stages of love, Sensational has more of an attitude, aiming to dismantle the stereotype of single women looking for love, tackling relationship dramas and the toxicity of dating. It was a chance to rewrite scenarios in ways that empowered her, fantasizing about what could've been. Sensational was co-produced by de Casier and is a breath of fresh air to anyone with a passion for music in all its genres, as much influenced by Aaliyah and Janet Jackson as house, garage and techno. With hushed, pillow-soft vocals and production that references turn-of-the-millenium sounds, de Casier's sound surveys the past while looking to the future. Vol Side Track Artist Title 1 1 1 Erika de Casier Drama 1 1 2 Erika de Casier Polite 1 1 3 Erika de Casier Make My Day 1 1 4 Erika de Casier All You Talk About 1 1 5 Erika de Casier Insult Me 1 1 6 Erika de Casier No Butterflies, No Nothing 1 2 1 Erika de Casier Someone to Chill With 1 2 2 Erika de Casier Acceptance (intermezzo) 1 2 3 Erika de Casier Better Than That 1 2 4 Erika de Casier Friendly 1 2 5 Erika de Casier Secretly 1 2 6 Erika de Casier Busy 1 2 7 Erika de Casier Call Me Anytime

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