Eden Weint Im Grab Apokalypse Galore

Release date:
December 31, 2024
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It has become a nice tradition in recent years that every album by Eden Weint Im Grab (EwiG for short = engl.: eternal) has an overriding theme. This is also the case with the new longplayer of the Berlin band, Apokalypse Galore, whose title already indicates the direction, because all songs revolve around doomsday scenarios in the broadest sense and have a socially critical undertone. Fittingly, the sound is more toxic, evil and threatening than last. The symphonic dark metal is increasingly enriched by black metal elements again, but there are also chamber music, whimsical and eerie romantic moments in typical EwiG tradition in abundance. Eden Weint Im Grab were formed in 2004 and Apokalypse Galore is the band's 9th album. Over the years there have been appearances at the Wave-Gotik-Treffen, M'era Luna, Plage Noire, Hexentanz, Castle Rock, Darktroll and concert tours with Nachtblut and Coppelius, among others. In 2023 Eden Weint Im Grab will go on a headlining tour across Germany again.

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