Of absolute dynamic accord. Harmonized polar motion of temporally phased rhythm. Multi-parallel integration of circuitry on the atomic level. All of these descriptives apply to the latest masterwork from DADUB: HYPERSYNCHRON. 12 tracks displaying the furthest travels through quantum bass space, from collaborators Daniele Antezza and Marco Donnarumma. From the sinister to the breathtaking; in a world where an inverse red sun is damped by burgundy clouds over crimson alloy alleys, HYPERSYNCHRON is not an easy digestible or disposable work. Its rhythms set a future standard perfectly balanced across the farthest known and unknown spectra of electronic music, with bass technology so alien and precise that it may indeed take centuries to reverse engineer. Grooves from a hidden galaxy on axis-tilt just out of reach from our world, longing to join with our human planet interpretation of time. Presented across 2 slabs of heavy wax, accompanied by a remake from the Dark Lord himself, SCORN. Audio ayahuasca for the dimensionally adventurous. Tracklist: 1/Infinite Regresses 2/On Fungus Drool 3/Link to Quantum 4/Of Simulacra 5/New Rationales For Subjugation 6/Airless Subjugation (SCORN Remake) 7/Tranced Out 8/Airless Vault 9/Alien To Wholeness 10/ Focus From the Outrage Ep 1 11/Focus From the Outrage Ep 2 12/Ascetic Denial . The Dadub sound is a boundary-breaking hybrid of electronic dub, with techno influences and a focus on universal sound - a sound impossible from which to exactly geolocate an origin. Founded in Berlin, the current line up consists of Dadub Mastering Studio kingpin Daniele Antezza, and fine art and performance maestro Marco Donnarumma. Combining their efforts and perspectives, the project delivers forceful, thoughtful bass music, of the highest artistic calibre. Italian by descent, scions of Berlin electronic music culture by choice, and pioneering world travelers by necessity, Dadub expands into 2020 with their latest LP on Ohm Resistance
Release date:
March 5, 2021
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