Cleethorpes Pier Cleethorpes Pier
- 1. I'm Your Pimp - Skull Snaps
- 2. Elusive - Babe Ruth
- 3. Your Autumn of Tomorrow - the Crow
- 4. The Gig - Raw Soul
- 5. Like Her! (Part 1) - Gentlemen and Their Lady
- 6. Tear Stained Face - Don Varner
- 7. My Heart Needs a Break - Linda Jones
- 8. Rainmaker - the Moods
- 9. This Man - Wally Cox
- 10. Marching Out of Your Life - Betty Baker and the Jaxis
- 11. Spring Rain - Short Version - Silvetti
- 12. I've Got the Need - Spookie & Sue
- 13. Game Players - Dooley Silverspoon
- 14. Afternoon of the Rhino - the Mike Post Coalition