Chloe Chua Vivaldi: Four Seasons / Locatelli: Harmonic Labyr

Release date:
March 28, 2025
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Rising star violinist Chloe Chua's acclaimed recording debut, presenting Vivaldi's Four Seasons alongside Locatelli's Harmonic Labyrinth, now returns a deluxe 2LP set. With the Four Seasons, Chloe returned to a piece that's very dear to her, Vivaldi's Winter, and which she won the joint-first prize at the 2018 Yehudi Menuhin International Competition for Young Violinists with. Despite her young age, Chua performs regularly with several world-class ensembles and enjoys a huge following on social media thanks to her breathtaking technique and charismatic stage personality. This album, recorded as Artist-in-Residence of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, launches her international recording career.

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