Release date:
September 14, 2018
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If I were to tell you that a band of NYC teenagers who met in 1979 decided to form a band influenced by Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle, Eno, Chrome and released a privately pressed record, it would be enough to pique your interest. When you find out the band consisted of a future Supreme Court Justice for Arizona, a Professor of Slavic Studies, a MusicianDocumentarian whose family built the Brooklyn Bridge, and an A-list world-famous actor the story goes from being about another rare, privately pressed recording that’s been re-discovered, into something that’s pretty incredible. Captured Tracks is thrilled to announce the reissue of Capital Punishment’s 1982 sole LP Roadkill. For a band of high school weirdos who actually got their shit together enough to make a completely uncommercial album with no means to sell it shows a lot of determination, persistence and perhaps insanity. But it’s always those kinds of weirdos who go on to do great things – just ask Judge Peter Swann, Professor Peter Zusi, Kriss Roebling and Ben Stiller.

  • 1. Necronomicon
  • 2. Roadkill
  • 3. Confusion
  • 4. Muzak Anonymous
  • 5. All Just in Passing
  • 6. Delta Time
  • 7. Creatures of the Dark (Night)
  • 8. Cosmos
  • 9. John's Forgotten Land (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
  • 10. Necronomicon (Reprise)

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