Beverly Glenn-Copeland Primal Prayer

Release date:
August 16, 2019
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Throughout a fifty year recording career, Glenn Copeland's music has defied categorization and genre. He is delighted to announce the forthcoming re-issue of his extraordinary but little-known album, 'Primal Prayer.' Primal Prayer was originally self-released in 2004 under the nom de plume 'Phynix' to a small but appreciative audience. The tracks are a rhythmically complex and wildly creative fusion of jazz, world, dance and classical genres.

  • 1. La Vita
  • 2. Back to Bachland
  • 3. Heaven in Your Heart
  • 4. Between the Veils
  • 5. This Side of Grace
  • 6. In the Image
  • 7. A Little Talk
  • 8. A Song and Many Moons

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