May, 2025 (834 releases)
21st Century Schizoid Band The London Sessions
American Analog Set The Fun of Watching Fireworks
Andrew Cushin Love is For Everyone
Andy Bell Ten Crowns (White)
Angel Bat Dawid & Naima Nefertari Journey to Nabta Playa (Deluxe Edition) [2xLP]
aya hexed!
Barbara Carlotti Cheris Ton Futur !
Behold the Beloved No Surrender (Orange)
Benjamin Wallfisch Wolf Man
Black Market Brass Battle Ready / What You Make It
Blondshell If You Asked For A Picture (Coke Bottle Clear)
Blu-Swing Hikari No Kioku
Brenda Where Did I Go Wrong B/W Family
Brian Tyler/Sven Faulconer Scream VI Music From The Motion Picture (Stab Green) [2xLP]
Bunbury Cuentas Pendientes
Bunbury Cuentas Pendientes (Red Splatter)
Cancer Inverted World
Car Seat Headrest The Scholars [2xLP]
Cash Langdon Dogs (Yellow)
Cassiano Cuban Soul - 18 Kilates
Cat Ridgeway Sprinter
Cat Stevens Saturnight (Cat Stevens Live In Tokyo)
Cesaria Evora Live A Paris 1993 (Orange) [2xLP]
Champian Fulton & Klas Lindquist At Home
Chaparelle Western Pleasure (Apple Red)
Charles Bernstein April Fool's Day Soundtrack (Killer Crimson) [2xLP]
Cirkus Prutz Manifesto
Colleen Green I Want to Grow Up (Pink)
Conan Violence Dimension
Corbin Crisis Kid
Crystal Castles II [2xLP]
Dalia Dedinskaite Baltic Prayer
Darker Lighter Darker Lighter
Das Kinn Ruinenkampf
Dave Brubeck Time Out
Dave Grusin Murder By Death Soundtrack (Diamond Yellow Marble)
Debt Neglector Kinda Rips
Dimorphodons Waui
DJ Mitsu the Beats Sunrise
Doctor Bionic The Island of Doctor Bionic
Don Davis The Matrix Score (Cyber Swirl Green)
Don Toliver Love Sick (Deluxe) [2xLP]
Dool The Shape of Fluidity
Druugg Lost
Ducks Ltd. Harm's Way ("Gasoline" Tan)
Dylan Earl I Saw the Arkansas (Milky Clear)
Eli Winter A Trick of the Light
Eli Winter A Trick of the Light ("Optical Illusion" Transparent Red)
Enji Sonor
Eric Church Evangeline vs. The Machine
Eric Church Evangeline vs. The Machine (Light Blue; Amazon Exclusive)
Esther Abrami Women [2xLP]
Esther Rose Want
Etta James At Last! (Orange)
Face to Face Ignorance Is Bliss (25Th Anniversary) [4xLP]
Father's Children Hollywod Dreaming
Fear Factory Aggression Continuum (Silver) [2xLP]
Fleshgod Apocalypse Labyrinth (Green) [2xLP]
Flotsam & Jetsam Unnatural Selection - 3Mm Spinned Sleeve
Forced Down Liberate
Gentle Giant Playing the Fool - The Complete Live Experience
George Ka Les Rebords Du Monde
Ghostface Killah 36 Seasons: Deluxe 10th Anniversary
Glixen She Only Said
Glixen She Only Said (Red)
Godsmack The Oracle
Golden Dregs Godspeed
Gorerotted A New Dawn For The Dead - 3Mm Spinned Sleeve
Grachan Moncur III Some Other Stuff (Blue Note Tone Poet Edition)
Graham Dee Mr. Super Cool [2xLP]
Guru Guru Moshi Moshi
Haley Heynderickx Seed of a Seed
Hans Nieswandt Fluoreszent
Hate Bellum Regiis
Heimat Iti Eta No
Herman Rarebell Herman Rarebell & Friends (What About Love)
Hyldon Na Rua, Na Chuva, Na Fazenda
Ice (Lafayette Afro-Rock Band) Afro Agban
Iced Earth Bang Your Head [2xLP]
Idil Biret J.S. Bach: Solo Keyboard Music [2xLP]
Infinity Knives & Brian Ennals City Drowned In God's Black Tears
James Arthur Pisces
James Krivchenia Performing Belief
Jay-Jay Johanson Poison (Red) [2xLP]
Jean-Luc Ponty The Atacama Experience
Jenny Hval Iris Silver Mist
Jeroen van Veen Solo Piano Music
John Barry Dances With Wolves Original Soundtrack (Translucent Yellow)
John Cooper-Clarke Disguise In Love (Translucent Blue)
Julia Úlehla Understories
Julian Lennon Valotte (Aqua)
Jung Jaeil Mickey 17 Original Soundtrack
Kany García GARCIA
Kassi Valazza From Newman Street
Kati Rán LYS
Kati Rán LYS
Keeley Forsyth Hand to Mouth
Key Glock Glockaveli
Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
Kinoko Teikoku Ai No Yukue
Kinoko Teikoku Neko To Allergy [2xLP]
Kokeshi Doll Kokeshism
Kyoto Jazz Massive KJM Covers: Kyoto Jazz Massive (30th Anniversary Compilation)
Lael Neale Altogether Stranger - Lavender
Le Rex 3 Stages [3xLP]
Leo Parker Rollin' With Leo (Blue Note Tone Poet Edition)
Leper Colony Those of the Morbid
Level 42 Past Lives: Best Of The Rca Years (Yellow) [2xLP]
Lightning Swords of Death The Extra Dimensional Wound [2xLP]
Lights A6 (Orange Crush)
Lisa Halim Ashita Tenki ni Nare feat. Kenny / Melody feat. Micro from Def Tech
Litronix One a Day Keeps the Doctor Away (Red)
Little Annie With
Lizzy Borden Best Of Lizzy Borden [2xLP]
Loscil Lake Fire [2xLP]
Lucius Lucius Metallic Eco
Lux Interna New Wilderness Gospel [2xLP]
M Ross Perkins What's the Matter, M Ross?
Maddie & Tae Love & Light [2xLP]
Manteca Rito Y Sabor
Marc Almond Feasting With Panthers [2xLP]
Masashi Kageyama GIMMICK! Original Soundtrack [2xLP]
Masayoshi Takanaka On Guitar
Max Wareham Daggomit!
Mei Semones Animaru (Pink)
Messer Chups Don't Worry, Be Creepy
Michael Kamen The Iron Giant Score (Green) [2xLP]
Misfire Product of the Environment (Black/Green)
Model/Actriz Dogsbody
Model/Actriz Pirouette
Nightfall Children of Eve
Oilix Dissolved
Owl John Owl John with Fanzine
Paco Cathcart Down on Them (Silver)
Paradise Slaves With Hell in His Eyes
Pierpaolo Dinapoli Matteo Tundo: Terre Rare - Pierpaolo Dinapoli Classical & Electric Guitar
Pink Floyd Pink Floyd At Pompeii (Mcmlxxii) [2xLP]
Polonius You Didn't Hear It From Me
Primus Frizzle Fry (35th Anniversary)
Propagandhi At Peace