Womb11 (-)

Release date:
May 10, 2024
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Noble 180g (Heavy Vinyl), 350gsm Jacket, Insert, Black Paperbag, Poster A2 Format Womb11 is rancid and decomposed Nekro Industrial unleashing its debut album on Dunkelheit Produktionen. This man hails from the bleak and desolate wastelands of Russia and in many ways the sounds reflect this hostile environment. Slow and churning dark throbs, clatters and sound waves form a cobweb of deathlust and dark magick. One thing that is especially striking is the analogue nature of the music. Classic Industrial weaponry like the MS10 live up to their long-lasting legacy and the deep and full waves interact with percussion created with real bones and human remains. There is a feeling of minimalism and trancelike repetition that is mastered skillfully, reminding the listener of absolute classics like Zero Kama, Halo Manash and Korpses Katatonik. There is no doubt that Womb11 revels in death worship and anything sinister and macabre. The tracks find a very unique space located somewhere between Ritual and Death Industrial while maintaining a lot of character and refreshingly unmodern approaches. Experience Womb11 and be dragged down into fields of death and the stench of opened graves All material recorded in Pskov/Russia in the year 2020 by WOMB11. Mastered in September 2021 at Studio Hel. Photography at the cemeteries by Argentum Lvx. Human skulls and Saturnian scythe photos by Moloch. WOMB11 used impure artefacts made of metal and human bones forged and prepared by ThriceDamned Knives exclusively. All music by WOMB11. Executive production by Dunkelheit Produktionen, 2021. All rights reserved.

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