Unprocessed ...and Everything in Between (Opaque Galaxy)

Release date:
June 21, 2024
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On their new studioalbum '... and everything in between' progressive boundary pushing quartet Unprocessed are taking all influences and combining them into an ultimate evolution of everything Unprocessed has ever been, while still adding a new flavour and style to the mix. Epic riffs with intricate licks and mind-bending rhythms, brutal breakdowns, epic guitar solos and big and catchy choruses. '... and everything in between' can quite literally be described as everything in between the extremes of life. Be ready for a whole host of surprises, including a special guest appearance from recent tour mates Tim Henson and Scott LePage of Polyphia.

  • 1. Hell
  • 2. Lore
  • 3. Thrash
  • 4. Blackbone
  • 5. Die on the Cross of the Martyr (Featuring Tim Henson and Scott Lepage of Polyphia)
  • 6. Glass
  • 7. Abysm
  • 8. I Wish I Wasn't
  • 9. Purgatory

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