Tombstoner Victims Of Vile Torture

Release date:
July 5, 2024
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Two sets of brothers from Staten Island, New York, formed TOMBSTONER in March of 2019. Experly combining a unique blend of styles, TOMBSTONER incorporate Death Metal, Grindcore, Thrash, Hardcore and Brutal Slam into one deadly cocktail - effectively evolving the Death Metal genre into the new decade. A Death/Grind-like roar of JR Hayes (Pig Destroyer) or John Randall (Agoraphobic Nosebleed) can be found within that sit nicely alongside Power Trip / Gatecreeper riffage. The dual mid-range / low vocal attack between Thomas Megill and Jesse Quinones add a unique, almost grindcore, element to their brand of molten death inspired groove metal. With the release of their debut EP, Descent to Madness, in 2020, TOMBSTONER gave us a sampling of what was to come and received a ton of positive press the world over. Since then, the band's writing has grown leaps and bounds, broadening their bludgeoning hardcore inspired sound into new and exciting territory complete with fretboard acrobatics and unexpected twists and turns at times. Unlike a lot of bands today trying to mimic the production quality of their Death Metal forefathers in the ninties, TOMBSTONER opt to do their own thing, achieving a ferocious sonic intensity more closely aligned with a Colin Richardson production. Rather than 90's Death Metal influence completely taking the lead as it does with most modern bands, the 90's influence heard here reminds me more of Machine Head's first two albums, or even latter 90's Napalm Death. TOMBSTONER are a breath of fresh air in today's climate and a middle finger in the face of those that follow the herd. Redefining Darkness Records are proud to introduce TOMBSTONER's debut full length, Victims of Vile Torture!

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