Timelost Don`t Remember Me For This

Release date:
June 7, 2024
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TIMELOST is a new project made up of members of SET & SETTING and WOE. Their debut 'Don't Remember Me For This' is the finest shoegaze mixed with a punk grunge sound. Released as LP on GOLDEN ANTENNA RECORDS. Actually not intended as a real band project, the two friends SHANE HANDAL (SET & SETTING) and GRZESIEK CZAPLA (WOE) kept sending sound fragments back and forth to each other. Somehow this developed into a serious project and so the duo founded TIMELOST. Both musicians are actually in 'harder' areas with their main bands. Here the two live out their love for shoegaze and dynamic punk grunge. Inspiration for the songwriting can clearly be heard in the sounds of the 90s, although the Philadelphia-based duo allows for far more influences and the eleven songs sound incredibly fresh. Recorded by JEFF ZEIGLER (War On Drugs, Kurt Vile, Nothing) and with the help of RYAN HAFT (Torche, Wrong) and ED BROOKS (REM, Death Cab for Cutie) a great debut album was created in mixing & mastering.

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