Tim Bernardes Recomecar

Release date:
November 8, 2024
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Tim Bernardes is a two-time Latin Grammy nominatedsinger, songwriter, musician, composer, and producer,who emerged as one of Brazil's most profound musicaltalents of his generation as well as a global phenomenon.A contemporary artist with deep roots in Brazil's verdantmusical heritage, Bernardes has collaborated with the likesof Caetano Veloso, Maria Bethânia and the late great GalCosta, as he blazes the trail for the new Brazilian scene,capturing the hearts of a worldwide audience.Many discovered Tim Bernardes's show-stopping voiceand metaphysical lyrics through his breakout 2022 album,Mil Coisas Invisíveis, but it was on his standout debut,Recomeçar, that Bernardes welcomed listeners to hissingular world of sound: warm, intimate, emotionallyresonant, healing. The album was primarily written whiletouring with his acclaimed tropicalia-tinged indie rockgroup, O Terno and released in 2017. Now widely availablefor the first time, Recomeçar is a collection of intimatereflections on the nature of heartbreak and loss.

  • 1. Abertura (Recomeçar)
  • 2. Talvez
  • 3. Quis Mudar
  • 4. Tanto Faz
  • 5. Ela Não Vai Mais Voltar
  • 6. Pouco a Pouco
  • 7. Não
  • 8. Era O Fim
  • 9. Ela
  • 10. Incalculável
  • 11. Calma
  • 12. As Histórias Do Cinema
  • 13. Recomeçar

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