The Waking Eyes Combing The Cloud

Release date:
November 24, 2023
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In the year 2000, I had gone to the Toad in the Hole basement pub to ask the some members of a local band called the Pets if they could help me record some of my music, in the same way they had recorded their album “Love and War”. In regards to my passion for recording, Love and War remains one of my biggest inspirations of all time. There’s hardly a style of music they don’t try to explore. To my surprise, they had recently lost a member and planned to ask me to start a new band, which we named the Waking Eyes. We spent the next 14 months or so building a sonic landscape in Matt’s parent’s basement in Steinbach, Manitoba. In proper daydream and full-fantasy mode, we prepared for a future vinyl pressing by making the album have seamless song transitions, except for between songs 6 and 7 (or side A and side B). I really never thought this day would come, but I can honestly say it’s a bit of youthful dream come true, and is incredibly rewarding. While I’ve had lots of music pressed to vinyl, never has such a formative part of my songwriting life been etched into that big beautiful disc. - Rusty Robot, The Waking Eyes

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