The Front Bottoms The Front Bottoms (Picture disc)

Release date:
January 14, 2022
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It's the 10 Year Anniversary of The Front Bottoms' self-titled debut, a beautiful alchemy of anthemic hooks and quotable confessions achievable only by the closest of friends, Brian Sella and Mat Uychich. Their songs are immediately recognizable, lyrics and riffs cleverly and effortlessly spun together into songs surprisingly real. Lyrically Brian Sella fires off scattershot images that the listener can gather up and make sense of like working puzzle pieces on the floor. Romance, freedom, paranoia, partying and somehow getting clean all tumble together from song to song. The album includes fan favorites like "Flashlight," "Swimming Pool," and "The Beers," where Sella recalls beefing up for a Jersey Shore summer of steroids "because you like a man with muscles and I like you."

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