Supertaste Supernova
Supertaste's debut album is some of the most disco-forward sonics from the band to date - with a heavy emphasis on layered strings and group vocals. The broader album pulls you on a cosmic flight path from takeoff, to deep space flight, to a breakthrough back into the earth's atmosphere. The Brooklyn-based outfit has had a mammoth 2024 with the release of their debut album, a headline performance in Times Square, support shows with Disclosure and Cosmo's Midnight, and their debut DJ set on The Lot Radio. Expect a powerful follow-up album remix package featuring Jafunk, Fouk, Brux, Matt FX, and more. Through yearly retreats to a cabin in Tennessee to hone their sound, Supertaste has developed a colossal atmosphere of sparkling synths, Chic-inspired guitar riffs, and unforgettable hooks. Whether you run into them late night at a bodega ordering sandwiches or on-stage performing, you'll always be met with a smile. The Supertaste Cinematic Universe only continues to expand. Expect some big moments and bigger jams.
- 1. T-90
- 2. Protostar
- 3. Supernova
- 4. Proximity
- 5. Drift
- 6. Nothing Good Happens After Midnight
- 7. All This Time
- 8. Play2Lose
- 9. In Orbit
- 10. Beacon
- 11. Right Place / Right Time
- 12. Staying at Home
- 13. Re-Entry (Back Again)
- 14. Parachute
- 15. Eclipse