Release date:
April 4, 2025
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Socialstyrelsen: The most promising band from Sweden right now. The harsh vocals, the piercing guitars and the thundering d-beat drumming combined makes this release stand out from the rest. Think Protestera and Massmord and you have sort of an idea on what to expect. Brute force trauma: Kängpunk from Mariestad, Sweden. D-beat/crustpunk in the vein of the old masters. The band resembles to Wolfpack/Wolfbrigade and this is not by accident - Markus, the former bassplayer - handles the bassduties in this sextett as well. Split Vinyl LP.

  • 1. Socialstyrelsen:
  • 2. Asphyxia
  • 3. Kafferep Och KÄNGHÄNG
  • 4. Jävla As
  • 5. Lusask Blues
  • 6. Helvetesgapet
  • 7. Brute Force Trauma:
  • 8. Mening Och MÅL
  • 9. Mayhem Machine
  • 10. Total Apari
  • 11. Post War Scars

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