Pynkie Songies

Release date:
November 3, 2023
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Songies = songs that are relatively short, sweet, and to the point - they're a little *weird* while also being very song-y (i.e. The classic "verse, chorus, verse" structure, etc.). In this album, I got a lil more creative with my tunings and time signatures 3 It's also more cohesive/album-like than my previous albums-- The feelz of it is good for walking around a cemetery alone on a partly cloudy 70-something degree day ¤ :-)

  • 1. Time_60Bpm
  • 2. Crushed Out
  • 3. Lately
  • 4. Scared
  • 5. Unsee
  • 6. Both Sides
  • 7. Veil
  • 8. Spiral
  • 9. Mutual
  • 10. PLZ
  • 11. Be Good
  • 12. *Wind Chimes*

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