Pili Coït Love Everywhere

Release date:
October 6, 2023
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On paper, Lyon's Pili Coït sound simple enough: Jessica Martin Maresco (of Le Grand Sbam) on drums and vocals, plus Guilhem Meier (of Poil) on guitar and vocals. On record, armed with an oil can, a floor tom, a synth-drum, and electric and acoustic guitars - Pili Coït come together. "Pop inflected avant-garde that bubbles over with unruly post-punk energy and adventurous, cantankerous layers of noise" - FECKING BAHAMAS "Somewhere between post punk, folk, and indie, but with a lot of strange ideas gluing everything masterfully together” - EVERYTHING IS NOISE "Sparse and often ominous… yet charmingly raw and homespun - and there are a few moments where the vocalists sound like an avantgarde version of The B-52s” - The ELITE EXTREMOPHILE

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