Orson Wilds This Burning House We All Fell Asleep In

Release date:
September 27, 2024
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"All of my favorite albums are short. When I hit the 45 minute mark and some singer is still wailing on about whatever shit, I start getting a bit irritated. Fortunately, we have two singers in our band, so we can break up the wailing a bit, but still. Just for a bit more context on the short albums: The Strokes - Room on Fire is 33 minutes. Revolver is 35 minutes. So here is our album, it's 28 minutes. It's a length that should go down easy enough, spastic indie rock encapsulated by spacious arrangements, horns blaring, drums pounding and vocals soaring. Think Band Camino, Arcade Fire, The Mowgli’s." - Orson Wilds

  • 1. Gin & Tonic
  • 2. Backstab Myself
  • 3. Lucca (Universe)
  • 4. 17 Stories
  • 5. Ambulance
  • 6. The Sun Opened My Eyes

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