Omar Khorshid Giant & Guitar

Release date:
January 14, 2022
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Cult classic LP by legendary Egyptian guitarist Omar Khorshid, first released on the label Voice Of Lebanon in 1974 and reissued here on vinyl for the first time with original artwork and remastered audio, plus new liner notes by DJ Ernesto Chahoud. 'Giant + Guitar' was instantly popular in the Arab world. The album was recorded at the Polysound studios in Beruit and overseen by engineer Nabil Moumtaz. The sound of the album is both bold and accessible displaying Khorshid's unique guitar sound, accompanied by a small band mixing traditional and modern fuzzed up arrangements. The mesmerising opening track, 'Rakset El Fadaa', composed by Lebanese musician Nour Al Mallah, is a perfect example of Khorshid's artistry. Starting with a long, hypnotic guitar intro, it then speeds up with the backing of a groovy organ, Oriental percussion and the psych sound of an early synthesizer to great effect. The album continues on the same mode blending traditional Oriental music with inventive arrangements as showcased by the Mohamed Abdel Wahab standard 'Leilet Hob' popularised by Oum Kalthoum, which sees Khorshid and his musicians shifting pace several times over eight minutes. One of the peaks of the album in terms of sonic experiments is undoubtedly Korshid's own composition, 'Taqassim Sanat Alfein', with Khorshid's superb guitar in full bloom accompanied by a few touches of synth.

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