Lionel Boy Lionel Boy

Release date:
May 14, 2021
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Consider the power of the vibe. After all, the power of positive vibes transcends simple categorization or a Sopranos meme. A good vibe is a cool breeze and ice cream on a sweltering afternoon. It is the athlete whose sixth sense and unselfishness makes everyone on the court play better. It is those Bob Ross videos where with a gentle voice and a few quick brush strokes, the painter conjures arcadian beauty. Good vibes are something that the modern world desperately needs. Graciously, such benevolent energy can be found on 'Lionel Boy', the Innovative Leisure self-titled debut LP from Lionel Boy, the Oahu-bred singer-songwriter. In the case of Lionel Boy, the native Hawaiian sense of the Mahalo spirit is inextricable from the art.

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