Lina Fado Camões

Release date:
June 28, 2024
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An unmistakable expressive voice. Spacious music based on fado. This is Fado Camões, the new album by Portuguese singer and composer, LINA_ to be released worldwide on the German label Galileo Music. Fado Camoes is a unique composition based on the classic poetry of Portugal's most celebrated historical poet, Luís Vaz de Camões and follows on from the critically acclaimed album Lina_Raül Refree which celebrated the songs of Amália. LINA_ is now in the company of British producer and musician Justin Adams, in what turns out to be a more personal album, based on the lyrics of Camões, with compositions from traditional fados and also written by LINA_. For this new project, LINA_ researched the poetry of Camões As LINA_ says in her own words, I became curious, I wanted to know more, beyond 'The Lusíadas' or the 'Sonetos', and I discovered that Camões' themes - change, childhood, love, falling out of love or the description of nature - could be adapted to fado and its metrics. It's both a new and a familiar LINA_ that we glimpse in the new work. The stripped-down elegance of the recent past is still there, but now there's a new spatiality, where the voice stands out amid the piano, guitar and almost silence, creating other scenarios, with pain, fairness and dignity going hand in hand, as in Desamor or Senhora minha. In Amor é um fogo que se arde sem se ver (Love is a fire that burns without being seen), LINA_'s voice is suspended in an atmosphere almost akin to silence, with only a few guitar chords and a digital mist as support, while in Pois meus olhos não cansam de chorar (For my eyes never tire of crying), concrete noises are integrated between piano notes, with Camões' poetry revealing itself in scenes of melancholy but also celebration.

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