Le Matos Turbo Kid Original Game Soundtrack

Release date:
July 25, 2025
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Mutant is proud to present another contemporary classic from Quebec duo Le Matos, a follow-up to their acclaimed science fiction score, TURBO KID. Released in 2015, the movie TURBO KID became an instant cult hit, and since then, fans have been aching for a video game. This is the future; the world as we know it is gone. You are The Kid, a lone warrior on a journey to cross the Wasteland in search of hope. What you will find on your way, however, is a land riddled with scoundrels and creeps, which you’ll have to go through – sometimes quite literally – to survive. Propelling this madness is an incredible soundtrack by Le Matos returning to the wasteland they helped create in 2015. They cherry-pick influences from the best of electronic music from the past forty years; John Carpenter, Vangelis, and Tangerine Dream are all touchstones, but so are Daft Punk or Justice, all put through an 80's synthpop blender. Creating some incredible retro-futuristic synth wave sounds, including an astonishing re-teaming with Pawws for the single To Tomorrow. TURBO KID – A place beyond your dreams, a record beyond your imagination.

  • 1. Super Turbo Kid
  • 2. Tequila Sunset
  • 3. The New Wasteland
  • 4. Eligius Gate
  • 5. Artificial Heart
  • 6. To Yesterday (feat. PAWWS)
  • 7. Tour De Trash
  • 8. Narc
  • 9. Cotton candy
  • 10. Becca
  • 11. Swing & Couch
  • 12. Hearts & Stars
  • 13. 90 Secondes Pour Vivre
  • 14. The Sewers
  • 15. Secret Lab
  • 16. Oozinator
  • 17. The Scramblers
  • 18. the Other Side Of The Wasteland
  • 19. Silver Ghost
  • 20. Order Of The Dark Hands
  • 21. The Revival ceremony
  • 22. the Killing Ceremony
  • 23. Skeletron's Ghost
  • 24. Doomsday Vault
  • 25. Singularity Incarnate
  • 26. Ride or Die

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