Lammping Stars We Lost

Release date:
March 4, 2022
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"Stars We Lost" is the latest instalment in Lammping's sonic experimentation, further pushing the boundaries of modern psychedelia. Starting with their last album "Flashjacks", Mikhail and Jay began incorporating samples into their heavy, riff-based sound, as well as adding drum machines, vintage keyboards, and various production influences, from Lee Scratch Perry to Madlib. From the Fender Rhodes-soaked, fuzzed-out Everlasting Moor, to a Polish vocal sample serving as the backbone to '21 Interlude, the record takes unexpected chances in charting a new path in guitar-based music. While the stylistic changes are evident, well-crafted songs have remained the band's focus. A sonic fevered dream, the EP weaves different themes together, oscillating between joy and dread, memory and the future, and the surface vs. the underbelly of modern urban living. JJ Koscan of the Obelisk writes: "This shit is killer and deserves all the ears it can get with its early '90s weirdness that's somehow also from the late '60s and still the future too because what is time anyway and screw it we're all lost let's ride." 1. Everlasting Moor 2. Never Phoenix 3. Home of Shadows 4. ’21 Interlude 5. Beyond The Veil 6. Golem of Garbage Hill (digital only)

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