Kurt Elling The Questions

Release date:
July 6, 2018
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The American jazz vocalist Kurt Elling continues his collaboration with the saxophonist Branford Marsalis on the 2018 album The Questions. It's his musical response to the times of anxiety and tension in which we're living. The rich and compelling compositions consists of 8 covers and 2 new written songs. Bob Dylan's "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall." Is sung from another point of view with a soulful acapella intro, before moving on the big band sound. Some parts are based on his improvisation skills, while other songs got a more traditional feeling. Elements of folk, latin and classical music are woven into the sound of the album. The Grammy award winner Kurt Elling can be seen as one of the best jazz vocalists of his time. His rich baritone voice features emotional depth has thrilled audiences all over the world.

  • 1. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall Featuring Branford Marsalis & Jeff "Tain" Watts
  • 2. A Happy Thought Featuring Stu Mindeman
  • 3. American Tune
  • 4. Washing of the Water
  • 5. A Secret in Three Views Featuring John McLean & Stu Mindeman
  • 6. Lonely Town Featuring Joey Calderazzo & Marquis Hill
  • 7. Endless Lawns Featuring Marquis Hill
  • 8. I Have Dreamed Featuring Branford Marsalis
  • 9. The Enchantress Featuring Joey Calderazzo
  • 10. Skylark Featuring Stu Mindeman

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