Klaus Schulze Dark Side Of The Moog Vol. 3 : Phantom Heart Brother

Release date:
July 6, 2018
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Klaus Schulze and Pete Namlook created their The Dark Side of the Moog series by combining different techniques and synth driven sounds to one. The third instalment in the series is based on the Pink Floyd album "Atom Heart Mother". This album got a dark themed kind of feeling, but also got some upbeat melodic parts. The spooky drone sounds make up Part I, before entering the ambient on Part II. Part IV is the most interesting track with some deep beats from the Moog. The pioneering German music composer Klaus Schulze created over 60 albums during his career which started back in 1969. Pete Namlook is another German composer which played a big part in the way electronic music became popular.

  • 1. Part I
  • 2. Part II
  • 3. Part III
  • 4. Part IV
  • 5. Part V
  • 6. Part VI

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