King Kong 4 Punch It!

Release date:
September 11, 2020
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Fronted by King Kong Girio, Canada's King Kong 4 have dedicated themselves to recording ska music. Each of them has done their time working with other bands (King Apparatus, Prince Perry, Lo & the Magnetics) and they bring these experiences together for this project. In the years 2017 and 2018, the King Kong 4 put out five mini-EPs. Here, available for the first time on a physical format, they are releasing this body of work in a single volume. Lovingly recorded in the subterranean depths of The Slow Cooker, King Kong Girio's laboratory of sound and composition in Toronto, Canada. Organ/ guitar driven ska music wedged uncomfortably between early Elvis Costello and the second Specials' album. Toss in a dose of Joe Jackson and indie darlings Spoon, and you've got a sense of how catchy this collection truly is.

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