Jack Name Fabulous Soundtracks

Release date:
June 28, 2024
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Fabulous Soundtracks, the fourth studio album by reclusive Los Angeles musician Jack Name, is an homage to the IRL world and its twisted and varied romance with the worlds of our minds, in a wild collection of soundtracks'', each a sonic re-construction dedicated to a distinct scene. Both musically and lyrically, this is Name's most adventurous and genre-defying album. Elements of acid, dance, folk, micro-tonal weirdness, horror, sensuality, impressionism, and bursts of rock fuse with Name's most direct yet ethereal lyric writing to date. Each song with artful intention confuses dream-like experiences and common everyday situations, and vice-versa, sometimes inflicting a frightening energy into the banal, or this in reverse. Offering a fabulous soundtrack as the title implies, to dreamlike cinematic scenography including but not limited to; walking alone through a park at night, a woman tiptoeing through a garden, a person wrestling with time and change, lust, grieving a pet, driving alone in the rain, laying in bed with a lover, a bare tree standing in a field, looking through pieces of glass, and inviting the devil into the home (as one does). So it should come as no surprise that Fabulous Soundtracks sounds nothing like the music his peers are making, if he can be said to really have any. For all of its earnestness, the album is a wildly fun and versatile listen; as a soundtrack to your own IRL life of headless movements and sensations, maybe it can influence you to actually notice some of them. Or give it a listen somewhere dark and still if you can find such a place, and mix it into your dreams.

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