Release date:
June 7, 2024
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Hot Wheels is a project conceived by Los Angeles based painter and musician, Dan Bruinooge who has played in bands such as Sylvie, Golden Daze and Vinyl Williams. His debut release, Sun Blonde, jumps from meditative drone pieces to radio-friendly hits. It plays like a soundtrack for an outsider's experience of LA – the excitement toward its warmth and opportunities, as well as its oppressive excesses, the relentless heat waves, traffic, and its annual fire season, turning the sun bright red. It could perhaps best be paired with driving in a convertible in deadlock traffic with the sun blaring in your face; dwelling and blissing out in its beauty, complexity and melancholia. Perfect for fans of Brian Eno, John Cale, Julee Cruise, Felt, My Bloody Valentine, Charlie Megira, and Amen Dunes.

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