Dream_World Last Glacial Maximum

Release date:
May 5, 2023
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Last Glacial Maximum is the debut full length from Dream_Mega, the recording project of Los Angeles-based artist/musician Joel Kyack. Across six songs, the album unfolds like a set of auditory hallucinations that are at once alien, funereal, triumphant, and life-affirming. Situated somewhere between the lysergic bedroom crunk of Black Zone Myth Chant's "Straight Cassette," the fourth world punk sensibilities of Sublime Frequencies and Glitterbeat Records, and the homespun terror of early Hanson Records, Dream_Mega's sound is something entirely new-like Terry Riley doing Cro Mags covers using Uncle Sleazy's gear, or God making a trap record.

  • 1. Cost of the Feast
  • 2. Buy a Serrated Knife
  • 3. Ghost Lineage
  • 4. Bathed in Piss
  • 5. Last Glacial Maximum
  • 6. Night Salad

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