Dark Tea Dark Tea

Release date:
March 22, 2019
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New York City based songwriter Gary Canino, submits to you a generous collection of country-inflected music under the Dark Tea moniker that honor the past while looking ahead. There is, as they say, a little something for everyone. With Dark Tea, Gary emerges as a scientist does from her lab, having cracked the formula. The formula? Honor the listeners desire for both danger and comfort. And so, when a melody starts to wander from the marked trail, Gary soothes the listeners ear with a simple one-four (Variable Reward). And so, when ambling verse figure disorients the listener, it repeats until she feels at home in it (The Birds Nest). And so, a long verse finds punctuation in a tasteful punchy chorus (No Notifications). The album also contains no fewer than three truly great guitar solos, including one from Meg Duffys Hand Habits on Rollin Back The Dial. Mixed by Jarvis Taveniere (Woods), mastered by Mikey Young (Total Control).

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