Daggerboard Escapement Featuring Henry Franklin Erik Jekabson Matt Clark Gregory Howe And Mike Clark

Release date:
May 10, 2024
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Daggerboard Escapement featuring Henry Franklin, Erik Jekabson, Matt Clark, Gregory Howe, and Mike Clark, is a new album of 12 original songs and orchestrations performed by an all around amazing ensemble. Headhunter drummer Mike Clark and Henry 'The Skipper' Franklin hold down the rhythm section while Matt Clark lights up the piano and Erik Jekabson soars on trumpet. Venturing out from the syncopated textures of classical minimalism, Daggerboard explores many time signatures and musical movements all within the core of a Jazz sensibility. Also Featured on Escapement are Mads Tolling on violin, Kasey Knudsen on saxophone, Mike Rinta on trombone, Ben Davis on cello, Jonathan Ring on French horn and William Winant on marimba and timpani.

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