Ctmf Failure Not Success

Release date:
March 10, 2023
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New studio album by Billy and CTMF! Featuring Billy at his song writing best! Includes covers of Richard Hell and Jimi Hendrix songs, along with a newly recorded version of 'Bob Dylan's Got a Lot to Answer For'! We asked Billy a few questions about this mighty fine album... Great album title! It will seem counter-intuitive to some but why do you favour failure over success? If the Pop Rivets (the first group I was in in 1977) had been successful in the formal sense, then it would have been a disaster - no learning about sound, growth, and independence. Luckily, we considered ourselves successful from the outset by doing what we wanted the way we wanted. We believed the hype of punk rock - do-it-yourself and lived it, unlike the successful leaders of the movement. I've always wanted small gigs where your open and exposed. The same with recording - excitement, mistakes, humour, and hopefully joy. The reason to become successful is to cut yourself from your origin and roots. In short, we'll decide what success is, not a critic, the world, or public opinion. The album opens with a cracking cover of Richard Hell's 'Love Comes in Spurts'. You've previously recorded this with Thee Headcoats on Brother Is Dead... But Fly Is Gone! from 1998. What made you want to revisit the song? Has Richard heard it? If so, what did he think? I forgot that we did it with Thee Headcoats. If I had that LP, I'd give it a listen. I do remember covering it live with The Pop Rivets in 1978. Richard said he liked it a lot and told his girlfriend he only wants my tunes at his funeral. I said, not too soon I hope. He assured me he's well.

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