Thought Gang Thought Gang

Release date:
November 2, 2018
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By the time Twin Peaks' second season had aired and Fire Walk With Me had just began principle production, Thought Gang had been born. The esoteric jazz side-project of David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti evolved from the seeds of Twin Peaks' trademark slow cool jazz and blossomed into more experimental pastures: horizonless vistas of acid-soaked free-jazz, laced with spoken word narratives and sprawling noisescapes. Fire Walk With Me's soundtrack would ultimately showcase two preliminary tracks ("A Real Indication" and "The Black Dog Runs at Night") from a full-length album that wouldn't see release for the next two and a half decades. Between May of 1992, and continuing throughout 1993, the bulk of the remaining material for the album was recorded in pieces. This dove-tailed into a string of contracted sessions for other Lynch-Badalamenti projects.

  • 1. Stalin Revisited
  • 2. Logic and Common Sense
  • 3. One Dog Bark
  • 4. Woodcutters from Fiery Ships
  • 5. A Real Indication
  • 6. Jack Paints It Red
  • 7. A Meaningless Conversation
  • 8. Frank 2000 Prelude
  • 9. Multi-Tempo Wind Boogie
  • 10. The Black Dog Runs at Night
  • 11. Frank 2000
  • 12. Summer Night Noise

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