Prince Royce Llamada Perdida

Release date:
April 19, 2024
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Prince Royce - Llamada Perdida - Latin - 2 LP Vinyl

Global bachata icon Prince Royce is set to release his seventh studio album titled "Llamada Perdida" - a two-year creative journey that promises to be his most personal and uplifting release yet. The album is a celebration of overcoming obstacles, particularly in love, and represents the end of a chapter in life and embracing the excitement of a fresh start. "Llamada Perdida" takes a positive approach to heartbreak and its aftermath. The bachata album features 23 tracks, some of which include classical instrumentation like violins as a nod to his early days.

Fans can expect to hear Prince Royce's signature sound while also experiencing a new and elevated level of artistry on "Llamada Perdidaā€¯. The album is a testament to Royce's growth as an artist, with more mature lyrics and a more self-confident sound. The songs are sewn together via voicemail messages, serving as interludes to certain tracks.

  • 1. Trax

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